Archive for the ‘CORe Healing’ Category


New Earth Journey to Host CORe Workshop May 5-6, 2012

March 11, 2012

I am pleased to announce that I will be teaching my very first CORe Workshop near Wichita Kansas in a few short weeks at our lovely Atira Moon Farm.

The Cell and Organ Regeneration (CORe) Program is a consciousness based program founded on the scientific research of Grigori Grabovoi, Arcady Petrov, and others. This workshop focuses upon the experience of the CORe method and it is also sometimes referred to as DNA Healing. The primary goal of this method is having you “become the person that you and the Creator intended you to be.”

Achieving health and balance is our birthright as human beings.

Number Code for Expansion of Consciousness

Medicine will, many believe, soon evolve from a predominantly physical treatment of the body where the focus is on the treatment of individual symptoms, to a holistic consideration. One day it will become the norm to consider the whole person, physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual, to achieve optimum health.

Are you tired of being given drugs or chemicals to help you “be healthy”? Learn some techniques that use the most powerful gifts you possess: Your consciousness and your free will.

Level ONE – Introduction and Self Healing: You will receive a series of “Processes” and unique “Healing Number Codes” which will enable you to correct functioning of the physical body. You will begin works of regeneration and restoration of body cells and organs. Prerequisite: None, although some experience with energy work is helpful.

Level TWO – Practitioner (Optional second day): The focus will include more Processes and Number Codes. There will be more information on the practical application of the work and you as the facilitator for others and also for you, as possible teacher of the method. Prerequisite: CORe Level One.

The CORe workshop is not only for physical restoration of the individual, but also how to harmonize all of what is in your life: Your environment, your family and relationships, the planet and beyond.

For more information  and details please email me at


Interested in PERMANENT Healing?

March 10, 2012

This post is for my QHHT and CORe Clients and anyone at all interested in healing and holding on to their healing.

For my QHHT Clients: Listen to your recorded session, especially where your Higher Self reminds you what steps are necessary to heal. How many times have you listened? What specific suggestions were given to you? Have you really heard and implemented the information provided to you?

For my CORe Clients. Have you remembered to sit or lay in your sacred space every day and repeat your prayer? Are you remembering to be grateful for everything in your life? Are you keeping your number codes nearby?

Healing isn’t something bestowed upon you without your direct participation. Your beliefs must align to healing. Your activities, your daily habits, must align to healing.

You are a human being. This means you have free will. Your free will is the single greatest gift from God that you possess. This power encompasses everything in your life! You have the freedom to choose every one of your beliefs, every one of your actions, every one of your thoughts and you have the freedom to choose your health. Conversely your beliefs, your actions and your thoughts can remove or compromise your health.

I have been a fan of the wonderful LaUna Huffines for many years.  She writes of Light Healing and how the Angelic Realm is here to assist Humanity. Here is an excellent video from her (less than 10 minutes) where she speaks about the idea of “sealing in” healing so that pain or dis-ease of any kind can be healed permanently and not return to your life.


CORe Healing – a Brief Quote from Grabovoi

November 19, 2011

When following conventional methods, you must expect to get conventional results.

-Grigori Grabovoi

This Cellular and Organ Regeneration (CORe) work, founded by Grabavoi, resetting cells and reprogramming DNA continues to impress me. I’ve had the opportunity to assist perhaps a dozen people so far with their “self-healing”. One woman is actually attempting to re-grow her uterus.  Yes, this is in fact possible and has been documented in Russia. Why haven’t you heard about this? Why would you? It won’t further mainstream media’s nor its advertisers’ goals of perpetuating the “sick care” industry, nor will it make anyone any “real” money.

This regrowth is possible for my client because she believes that it is possible, and is focusing on manifesting this as her reality. Currently, this lovely woman is experiencing new sensations in her head (neural pathways being created perhaps) and also new twinges in her abdomen.

No one wants to see a future xray or mri showing growth more than I do, except of course this client. Her other organs are falling, she needs the physical support of an actual uterus to regain her health.

No knives. No drugs. Simply accessing the information in the body and applying number frequencies to assist with her goal. How is this possible? Well salamanders can regrow their tails, why can’t humans regrow parts too? I maintain that they can and that some actually do.

The reason regrowing organs or appendages has been “impossible” has been primarily because we, as a collective human consciousness, have decided that we can’t do those things. So we don’t. But it doesn’t have to be that way, and there are new pioneers who are proving what is possible. Someday then it will be in our collective consciousness, so then it will be accepted by all. Of course, that day is not here quite yet. Not for most people anyway.

Think about your computer, you can “reboot”it when it starts giving you problems. You can “travel back into time” and go to a system “restore point” to address software issues. This concept is in fact, possible with your own body by accessing your DNA’s record of what your ideal “blueprint” of health is. Your body is a much more intelligent and remarkable machine than your computer.

Stay tuned for more success stories!


CORe Healing Testimonial Video

October 1, 2011

Mom is 84, and has multiple health issues. She is pacemaker dependent. She has had congestive heart failure for a decade. Her doctor requires her to wear compression hose but she doesn’t like them very much. Today she had a stocking on one leg, but not the other. She was visiting the farm and complaining about the swelling in her legs and ankles. Truly, the swelling was awful. She called it “grotesque”.

When the swelling gets bad, which is every night, she has to stop what she is doing and lay down for multiple hours to wait for it to go down. Some days the swelling comes along sooner and more severe than others. Today was one of those days.

I asked her if she wanted to try a healing meditation and CORe process for the swelling. She agreed. I only have one regret about the session. I did not take a “before” photograph or video!

The video length is 4:29.