Archive for November, 2011


Bumper Sticker Wisdom

November 25, 2011



CORe Healing – a Brief Quote from Grabovoi

November 19, 2011

When following conventional methods, you must expect to get conventional results.

-Grigori Grabovoi

This Cellular and Organ Regeneration (CORe) work, founded by Grabavoi, resetting cells and reprogramming DNA continues to impress me. I’ve had the opportunity to assist perhaps a dozen people so far with their “self-healing”. One woman is actually attempting to re-grow her uterus.  Yes, this is in fact possible and has been documented in Russia. Why haven’t you heard about this? Why would you? It won’t further mainstream media’s nor its advertisers’ goals of perpetuating the “sick care” industry, nor will it make anyone any “real” money.

This regrowth is possible for my client because she believes that it is possible, and is focusing on manifesting this as her reality. Currently, this lovely woman is experiencing new sensations in her head (neural pathways being created perhaps) and also new twinges in her abdomen.

No one wants to see a future xray or mri showing growth more than I do, except of course this client. Her other organs are falling, she needs the physical support of an actual uterus to regain her health.

No knives. No drugs. Simply accessing the information in the body and applying number frequencies to assist with her goal. How is this possible? Well salamanders can regrow their tails, why can’t humans regrow parts too? I maintain that they can and that some actually do.

The reason regrowing organs or appendages has been “impossible” has been primarily because we, as a collective human consciousness, have decided that we can’t do those things. So we don’t. But it doesn’t have to be that way, and there are new pioneers who are proving what is possible. Someday then it will be in our collective consciousness, so then it will be accepted by all. Of course, that day is not here quite yet. Not for most people anyway.

Think about your computer, you can “reboot”it when it starts giving you problems. You can “travel back into time” and go to a system “restore point” to address software issues. This concept is in fact, possible with your own body by accessing your DNA’s record of what your ideal “blueprint” of health is. Your body is a much more intelligent and remarkable machine than your computer.

Stay tuned for more success stories!


Question: When is Corn, not “really” Corn?

November 17, 2011

Answer:  When its GMO corn laced with thiamethoxam (a systemic neonicotinoid INSECTICIDE), and azoxystrobin, carboxin, fludioxonil and mefenoxam, all four, fungicides.  Careful not to touch this sweet corn while planting. Never mind that you are supposed to eat it eventually, just don’t touch it while its in this state.

Seriously. These are corn kernels? Does this look like a corn kernel to you? I bet any rodent with only half a brain would take a pass on consuming this GMO abomination.

Actually there are even important questions to be asked here, than the title of this article. Namely, does this concept even matter to you? Do you even think about this at all? Are you awake or asleep?

When you are in your local market, do you pause, even for a moment to consider where your food comes from and how its produced? And if not, why not? Do you ever wonder at all, about the “end-game” of the giant mega corporations who created this and other seeds that poison the natural varieties, pollute the earth and sicken humans? Or do you just put the can of Green Giant into your shopping cart and get on with your day, completely bypassing the organic varieties because they are just “too expensive” and “are basically the same”? Do you think GMOs “don’t matter” or that science just has our best interest in mind?  Really?

Do you have “more important” things to worry about? Your job, the economy,  the “big game” maybe, or what new adventure the Kardashian Gals are having?

What is more important that our FOOD? There are those who are quite pleased you are so very distracted by those other things, while they quietly, methodically attempt to control the very food supply on our planet.

Support your local organic farmer, buy local crops in season, not shipped in and driven cross country from another continent. Buy organic whenever possible. Reject GMO food at all cost. Stop using “Weed and Feed” and “Roundup” in your own yard for goodness sake, it just perpetuates the problem and poisons the very water you drink! And consider saving heirloom vegetable seeds, they will be very valuable some day soon.

Or… just forget all about this “over reactive” little rant of mine and go watch some tv.



November 16, 2011

If you are interested in sustainable energy, weather, clean food and water, politics, consciousness, the economy, your job, your health, education, a better life for your kids or your grandkids, or, you are simply alive right now and have any thoughts about how we as humans can do better, in EVERY one of the above subjects and more, please make time to watch this incredible documentary.

If you are “awake” and have friends and family who are still sleeping, who are still mired in “the old way of thinking”, see if you can get them to watch this film. It is available full length on youtube right now.

This easily could be THE most important documentary film ever made.